Kennedy In Starbucks…

I hate to post more and more about coffee, and drinks and Starbucks, but it just seemed like something worth mentioning. Partly because no-one knows it, and even urban dictionary doesn’t have the right definition, so I thought I would clear up some more coffee lingo…

A Kennedy – A filter coffee with 3 shots of espresso in it. Why it’s called this, I hope you know. Try asking for a Kennedy next time. The mixed reactions it receives makes up for the sheer caffeine content.

Drinking these days…

Well not mentioning something for a while is bad. So I’m back. Now. On the same topic as before. Caffeinated beverages, or more importantly, coffee.

What’s happening in the coffee world with me these days? Well let me enlighten you. My current drink of choice, is the result of a few things; 1 – Price, 2 – Caffeine content and 3 – Refill-ability™. It goes by the name of a “Tall Almond Black Eye with hot milk“.

Starbucks: Dry…

I haven’t really ever written anything particularly Starbucks related in the past, probably because it might not be especially entertaining to read (however that’s a relative point, so I’ll not get into that at the moment). Though recently I have felt slightly compelled to mention a few interesting points about everyone’s favourite (or least favourite) coffee company.

Being an ex-(and maybe possibly future) employee, I have a different outlook and opinion on the company and its ethics, and so do bear that in mind with anything I say, but then again it’s not like I’m saying anything remotely controversial—so don’t worry!

Amblings as of recent…

Just as a small post to mention a few small things, I finished reading Outliers by Gladwell, and have since then moved on to Freakonomics, which I have now basically finished, so I’m really going to have to get a pile of books ready to go, or maybe just find something else to do. However at the moment (as it happens at occasionally odd times) I’m enjoying the quest for knowledge, however useful or irrelevant it may be. Now I just need to keep this quest going all though the next academic year. Hmmm. Maybe not that easy. We’ll see. As for books, hopefully I’ll find another popular economics or statistics book to read, maybe The Long Tail as I mentioned in a previous post.

Excuse the deathly silence!

Ah well… It HAS been very quiet here for the past while. And I mean like totally really way too quiet. And currently I really think that that’s pretty silly, and something (however temporary) had to be done about it, so I’m now adding something in the hope that I might remember to add a bit more in the future. Possibly more interesting, more useful or academic things. But they’ll come a bit later hopefully. For now, muse upon this..