
I was snooping around the internet for cross-processing (to aid (and quash) my vintage film ideas/thoughts that are floating around my head at the moment) and I came across this fantastic site, but in particular

Then I realised I had taken such a similar picture not that long ago, and merged it in the most amusing fashion. Enjoy.

Restaurant Social Media and its Immediate Implications (the sheep effect)

What’s happening people? It’s been a slightly long time and I’ve not been saying much so here I am. Back. Again.

I’m on holiday (finally) at the moment y’all, and it’s pretty peachy. I actually get some time to chill and do stuff that I want to do (start companies, update shit, you know the deal). Anyway, while being out here on the West coast of that country with all the little red maple leafed flags, and having to rely on eating out at restaurants to survive (and in no way is that a bad thing…), I have discovered a few new tools/apps/services that make this just a little easier (and more web 2.0 dare I say it).

Easyjet Speedy Boarding…

Moment of obvious realisation: Easyjet has Speedy Boarding (&#0153 (probably)).

Okay, it’s totes been around a while and all, but really is it necessary? You pay dirt cheap amounts for dirt cheap tickets on a pretty dirty airplane where they’re trying to snatch every last bit of money off you for any small service possible. Even using a credit card or taking hold baggage. Crazy.