MWSF 2006… I really can’t wait!

Only 2 days to go until Apple unveils its new products at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco and I am so excited. Up until now, I completely forgot that every year, coinciding with the Macworld is the release of a new iLife, this year being iLife ’06 (surprise surprise!). And what will Steve Jobs …

Updates of other websites…

I hope all had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and are now finally relaxed after the last taxing year! I spent a while changing, my band’s website, especially the main page and the flash section, so go have a look now, and listen to the new song we recorded – Down …

Google Earth for Mac?

After hearing various news items on podcasts and by searching myself on the interweb, I found out that a non-public beta of Google Earth for Mac had been released. After finding it (which didn’t prove easy) I was gutted to discover that it wouldn’t work… It probably needed Tiger (and being me, I haven’t upgraded), …