Same old rubbish…

Mackeeper, everyone’s favourite sketchy and trojan-esque piece of Mac software malware, has had a little branding update. And a little branding fail at the same time. As I’m sure I’ve pointed out before, their advertising is sketch to say the least, even at the level of rebranding what they do at every possible juncture, just so you get fooled again (ladies and gentlemen, take advice from The Who here please) into trying it.

Food in Japan

And so after my previous article on food, I feel like I should write another on a similar topic. A different country however. I love Japanese food. So much so that I even get terrible Sushi here just for comfort. I don’t go out of my way to eat terrible such, it’s just that most places here aren’t exactly amazing (though I did find a reasonable one in London recently, Yoshino). What I actually miss loads is Ramen. Warm huge bowls of noodle based awesomeness. Before I went to Japan, I read this fantastic article in the Times about the Ramen culture and the people who endeavour to visit mad amounts of Ramen joints.

One Year Back/One Year On…

It seems weird that a year ago I was on the West Coast of Canada having a great time exploring, eating, photographing and just taking in the culture. I miss it. My summer this year has been the same pretty much as last year. I’ve stayed in Cambridge, worked with Pembroke’s fantastic International Programmes, though this year as a General Coördinator as opposed to last year as a Programme Assistant (PA), but then this year I will finish much later and not really have the chance to explore and get away as I did last year. It’s a shame slightly. While I did get away to France for a week at the start of the Summer, it’s not quite the same. I miss the opportunity to explore a new place on so many different levels. Especially the food. Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the UK for too long, but the food here is boring. Nothing is that good, nothing is especially special, and it feels like 80% of all restaurants here are Italian.

A Letter from MacKeeper

Well my few posts on MacKeeper, its issues and its overall invasiveness have sparked some traffic, and as a result of this I received an interesting email from the Zeobit (the developers of MacKeeper) PR manager. Aside from PR at such a place being a difficult job (the amount of (perhaps rightfully) negative criticism that …


I got round to using the ever-so-old Olympus 35LC (1966?) from my grandad quite recently and have so far taken a roll of Ilford HP5+, developed it myself, and am currently in the process of making enlargements! They look unbelievably awesome and just so timeless at the moment! I’ll attempt to scan some of then and see how they turn out. Might even invest in a negative scanner (as there do seem to be some cheap ones on the ‘bay). Wooop! For now though I have a new roll of Kodak Tri-X 400 to use! Yay!

MacKeeper: Legit? Part 2

Following on from my previous post in which I highlighted the interesting and fairly invasive methods that MacKeeper uses to advertise, I figure I’d touch upon it some more. The main reason that I thought I should come back to this was the fact that the ads MacKeeper is using are changing. Before, and especially with the invasive style ads, the main focus of the advertising was that “this is a recommended download to clean and ‘fix’ your Mac”. Really preying on the MacDefender malware going around these days, and at the end of the day making end users all the more cautious.