Ken Rockwell (of once said “Velvia is the reason I am still a photographer”. Holy crap, I can see why this is true. I wasn’t sure how great it could be, so I obtained a couple rolls through my favourite place (eBay), and while they happened to be expired (2005ish) and the old type …
Author archives: Moses Hoyt
I’ve been busy taking photos, graduating, working my summer job and just living life recently hence little time to post things here. But over these past 4 years at Cambridge I’ve managed to build up quite a collection of photographic equipment, including one lovely new purchase that I’m particularly proud of and unbelievably excited to …
The Atlantic
I’ve been an economist for some 30 years, and a foodie for nearly as long. In this time, I’ve learned that by applying some basic economics to my food choices, I can make nearly every meal count. I’ve also realized that a lot of the best food is cheap. Herewith, a distillation of what I’ve …
Pink over Blue
First things first, I want to establish the aim of this post. I want to get a new shirt, a button-up, something vaguely smart – and in particular an oxford. I’m not picky, I just know what I want, and it’s killing me that I’m having so much trouble finding it. So the criteria that …
I came across Wood&Faulk through the Made by Hand store (which is awesome – I suggest checking it out!) and I love everything they do/he does. Especially the journal section of the site. I really quite admire the detail and depth that goes into the little projects (especially in the documentation of them!) and it …
Ultimate Polo Box Set
Only Brooks Brothers would do something like this! But it’s fantastic. The $2000 polo shirt box set. 44 different colours of awesomeness. If only I had the money.
Recently, I’ve been noticing and really appreciating these little micro documentaries that are being put out to promote products, processes or even little coffee shops. They’re not that new in a lot of cases, but I think they’re an absolutely fantastic way of showcasing what you love to do and presenting it in a wonderful …