In my recent work, and in the industry that I’m involved in, the words new, existing, customer, and unique get thrown around rather frequently. And frequently, their usage is incorrect. Marketers, advertisers and publishers know what they want (generally), but they for sure do not know how to express it. These are all terms bandied …
Author archives: Moses Hoyt
Sansho/Szechuan Pepper
So this is maybe a little bit of a different sort of subject to what I usually go for, but it’s something that’s interested me, and I always felt that it’s totally un/under-appreciated in British society. Since being in Japan a year or so ago, I’ve come to appreciate these different sorts of spices and …
120 Love
Well it seems to me that I’ve not really written anything particularly in-depth about photography in a while, and this needed to change. I guess I had been ranting at people (in-person) about various little intricacies of old film, TLRs, and other interesting camera things that frankly they didn’t want to hear, and this would …
And summer ends once again…
And so this time rolls around again where I forget all those things that I’m supposed to be doing and end up just enjoying the moment. Summer. But even that had to end. And maybe the best way of describing that which has ended, and that which is about to come is through Salter. A …
(A Strategy For) Making Better LinkedIn Connections
So LinkedIn is all about establishing great and useful professional connections with people. You joined LinkedIn so you could forge some great business contacts and find some interesting and influential leaders in your field. Yet all you seem to get are requests from headhunters or people you don’t really know (but somehow have your email, …
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A New Project for May
I’ve been projectless for a while. I want some new project that I can devote some somewhat serious and vaguely focussed time into over the next month or two. Maybe involving photography, but I’d like to devote some time to typography — a field that I’ve always been innately fascinated by, though more so recently …
Wolfe and Gladwell Similarities
Turns out that I can get a lot of reading done in the downtime I have between job applications, photography assignments, and tie making endeavours. I’ve been finding some quite interesting books all over the house, and this week’s fascination has been on Tom Wolfe’s Hooking Up — a collection of essays, novellas and opinion …