Amblings as of recent…

Just as a small post to mention a few small things, I finished reading Outliers by Gladwell, and have since then moved on to Freakonomics, which I have now basically finished, so I’m really going to have to get a pile of books ready to go, or maybe just find something else to do. However at the moment (as it happens at occasionally odd times) I’m enjoying the quest for knowledge, however useful or irrelevant it may be. Now I just need to keep this quest going all though the next academic year. Hmmm. Maybe not that easy. We’ll see. As for books, hopefully I’ll find another popular economics or statistics book to read, maybe The Long Tail as I mentioned in a previous post.

(A Quick Guide to Spotting) Fake Abercrombie and Fitch…

I had this post up on my site as of almost a year ago, but due to some website issues over the summer, it miraculously disappeared, however with the power of Google cache (and remembering various things) I have resurrected it. Enjoy…

I recently had the lucky experience of purchasing a fake Abercrombie & Fitch polo shirt off of eBay. While not intending to buy a fake shirt, I did have my suspicions about buying A&F over eBay, though I have successfully bought some stuff before! Being a nice eBay citizen and everything, I thought that I should at least write an eBay guide as to how to spot fakes and the main differences between real shirts and fakes, but eBay has a rather odd (and in my opinion stupid) photo policy where they wouldn’t allow any of my Flickr photos to be linked to, so scrap that, I’m gonna post a guide on here and see if anyone finds it useful!

Honestly, it’s just a little too quiet sometimes…

Heya. Apologies for not really having too much of a presence here over the last 10 weeks or so, but I was just having another crazy term at Cambridge. Now however, I’m back, and I have time! Although that may or may not be because I am currently without a job. We’ll see what we can do about that though… I have some interesting ideas up my sleeves.

And I’m really really happy Fake Steve is back!

A quick note…

Just adding a quick note as I head down to Cambridge to start Easter term of my first year. So far, it’s been phenomenal, the course, while being quite hard (and the workload just fairly intense at points), is excellent and thoroughly enjoyable. I’ve had the chance (and still have it from what I see) to try all aspects of engineering with all sorts of different practicals and labs and exercises, including some that have been tedious, and others that have been incredibly useful and even then not necessarily directly engineering related. But alas, finally, there are exams coming up. A mere 12 hours so I recall. So fun times ahead! (On a sidenote, it felt like I was about to come to a conclusion in that previous paragraph, but clearly it was going nowhere fast so I just ended it… oh well!)

Excuse the deathly silence!

Ah well… It HAS been very quiet here for the past while. And I mean like totally really way too quiet. And currently I really think that that’s pretty silly, and something (however temporary) had to be done about it, so I’m now adding something in the hope that I might remember to add a bit more in the future. Possibly more interesting, more useful or academic things. But they’ll come a bit later hopefully. For now, muse upon this..