I returned from a short holiday to find an unexpected release from Apple – Boot Camp. Following on with the ‘making Windows run on an Intel Mac’ thing, Apple decided to join in and make its own program to do this. Having probably been in the works since Apple decided to use Intel, which is …
Author archives: Moses Hoyt
Just slightly Annoyed….
Just found out that the Aperture 1.1 update which included Universal Binary support has now had its release pushed back to April!!!! Hopefully it will be right at the start of April as I really can’t be bothered waiting any more, thinking that it was originally March. Finally the school holidays have arrived, so I …
A Quick Trip Away
Went for a long weekend holiday/school trip to Geneva (in Switzerland for those who don’t know where it is) to see the partical accelerator at CERN (Centre European Research Nuclear). Gave me a great chance to really try out my EOS 350D, see what it can do and realise why it was worth the £500 …
A change of theme…
As you may see looking around the blog section of the site, the theme has changed… the theme is all made by me, but taking inspiration from other sites and help from other themes (you know with the layout and stuff). It isn’t really finished yet though, the comments box still doesn’t fit in and …
Some Changes…
Finally got round to upgrading to WP 2, and so far the change is well worth it! The admin panel (is that what you call it?) looks greatly nicer and much more refined, so if anyone (still) hasn’t, I would encourage you to do so… Along with this new version of WP, I have decided …
not much recently
well the title says it all… not much Have rediscovered Blood Sugar Sex Magik, amazing Funk/Hip-Hop/Rock album from the Chilis. Well worth a listen if you haven’t already. The bass and drums on the offbeat or slightly different timing combined with the Funk guitar and the rap-like vocals make it amazing! Anyway….. rumours are already …
Intel Mac mini
This new Intel Mac mini, is apparently slower at UT 2004, that’s a bit poor isn’t it? At least it can play 1080i HD movie clips and have the water droplet animation on the Dashboard. Link of the day :- www.pimpmysafari.com