After a bit of a wait (90 days I’m told) the iBook replacement, the MacBook (without the Pro bit as you may have noticed) has been released. 13.3″ Widescreen display which is nice and glossy (and is now on the Pro models too) 1.83Ghz or 2.0Ghz Core Duo Processor, which is nice and zippy and …
Author archives: Moses Hoyt
What Can I Say…..
AppleInsider | Creative seeks injunction against Apple How about you just accept that you’re not as good as Apple. Damn, these cheap Korean companies do not quit!!!!!
Here goes….
Well here comes the major revision… Got some big, big exams coming up the next month, so revision is really needed, not that I’m not doing any… Just at the right time comes Stadium Arcadium, the new album from the Chilis. Not only is it perfectly timed for revision purposes, as it weighs in at …
If you can’t beat them, join them…
The idea of a business is to produce profit. Where this profit comes from, doesn’t matter to some companies. Especially IT and technology companies, certain companies seem to think that if they can’t produce a better effort at making something, then they should just copy their competitors product. Most of all it shows terrible plagerism …
Hello all
Have been relatively busy at the moment with my birthday and such… Got some nice Pentax lenses for my EOS 350d. You’re thinking EOS 350d, that’s Canon and Pentax lenses how do they work… well its called an adaptor, from M42 (old Pentax/Practika) to EF mount. It effectively allows me to use older lenses, which …
Well I haven’t reall posted much for a while, so there’s a few things to check out… 1stly, the 17″ MacBook Pro is here which is very nice, if not a little pricy and slightly big for my liking (still waiting for a 12″ model you see). I’ve been having some wierd ass problemos with …
Having a @!?% of a lot of spam currently, so finally got round to getting this Askimet or Akismet or whatever the hell its called spam thingy installed and working, and believe me, this API thing you need is not the most obvious thing to find, you need to open a account just to …