New year new things

In somewhat typical fashion, the coming of a new year makes you reĆ«valuate what you’re doing a little bit more, and rescrutinise any previous goals you may have had. Substituting them for more challenging, more trackable, or maybe even more socially acceptable goals. 2016 will be the year of more, more books read, more exciting …

Cold brew coffee

After visiting Bluebottle Coffee in SF, trying out their cold brew awesomeness and subsequently seeing this whole cold brew thing blowing up across the California coast I had to give it a go. The big coffee drippers at bluebottle are these amazing steampunk-esque brass looking behemoths. They drop cold (presumably filtered) water over loosely packed …

So just what is a new customer?

In my recent work, and in the industry that I’m involved in, the words new, existing, customer, and unique get thrown around rather frequently. And frequently, their usage is incorrect. Marketers, advertisers and publishers know what they want (generally), but they for sure do not know how to express it. These are all terms bandied …