Just noticed that while editing my site a bit, the new Photoshop Icon could quite easily be the symbol for an element in the periodic table. I know it isn’t, but there is Pt which is platinum and Pb which is lead. So why not Ps? By changing my site I meant altering the style …
Author archives: Moses Hoyt
Yay, finally… wow!
Well seeing as the Photoshop CS3 beta is upon us, I thought that I should try it out as I’m a happy Intel Mac user who has been slightly without Photoshop (or a fast Photoshop at least for ages). After downloading it and doing the various registration steps, I started it up. First things first, …
Well I really shold be continuing a trend I started a week and 3 days ago by continuing the “Browser Wars” articles about which browser is better, but I found something even better! www.potionfactory.com This is an independant Mac developer team of two switchers that makes really really nice perfectionist apps like Tangerine, a bpm/tempo …
Technorati Profile This is only here because for some reason I just realised that my Technorati.com link to the blog wasn’t working since I’ve changed it to /index.php instead of just www.mohoyt.com. But now, I’ve finally put it in its own subfolder and the new address is http://www.mohoyt.com/blog Enjoy
Browser Choice – Safari
Well, here is a delicate topic… Web browser of choice. Personally, I use the internet a lot. Apparently its quite popular at the moment, but I don’t have to tell you that! What is a big dilemma for some people is their choice of web browser. On a Mac, there is a fair choice, and …
Well recently, although you may have heard me say this many a time, I have had a lot of work, I’ve recently been doing some Maths coursework, for the Differential Equations unit (fun stuff eh?) and for the coursework, I’ve had to work out differential equations representing the flow of water from one container to …
Hello again!
Well I’ve been noticing nowadays, especially with the rise of the internet and most importantly RSS feeds that the importance, or at least the ultimate usefulness of magazine has somewhat declined. For example, take you average few Mac magazines, they generally just tell you about a few new Apple products released last month, have a …