I happened to stumble upon this great company – Surrealien – that makes custom but rather trippy wallpaper. Have a look:- You give them the dimensions of the room and any objects on the wall such as light fixtures or doorframes etc. and they will create wallpaper that ‘bends’ around these objects and almost involves …
Author archives: Moses Hoyt
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
I’ve been having the “Album Of The Week” thing going for about 3 weeks now without too much mention of the albums that are there. Ideally, the idea of having an album of a week picture/section is that I do not have to have an explanation everytime that I want to mention why an album …
I’ve been using Flock for about a month now and I’ve come to realise a few things about it. I shall sum it up in some basic points… Good things: Its fast at loading pages Its fast at opening It looks rather elegant – different from Safari, but the social bookmarking features are useful (not …
Album of the week…
Added a nice new feature… Album of the week! Basically the album which i listen to the most during a weeklyish basis! Strange, could have possibly guessed it from the name! Click on it and you go to iTunes (UK) to get it. While I’m at it… Continuum is an awesome album!
A dynamic front page?
Currently my website/blog has what you call a dynamic front page in that it updates itself whenever I post a new thing to my blog. Originally this was a good thing as it looked nice functioned well etc. For some reason now it decides that it has to look bad and not really work as …
I got a bit bored…
Recently I’ve been getting just a BIT bored with my current homemade Apple-esque WP site theme, so I’d thought go for a brief change. As a result, I’m using this amazing theme designed by Wolfgang Bartelme from www.bartelme.at. Definintly worth checking out his site as for one thing, it is expertly designed and looks truly …
Update on the Arduino Drumkit
Here’s a brief update on the Arduino drumkit that I’m building…