Well the time of year that is my birthday is coming up (30th April for all those uninformed…) and well this one is apparently meant to be a big deal and all. 21. Crazy huh? I think it’s pretty old, well only to the extent that I don’t feel 21, but since when did a number dictate how old you felt. Surely that’s a relative thing?
Hmmm, anyhow, I have been asked what I want by some people, and so far have given few answers, other than I want a (good) surprise. But that’s not really going to happen without a few subtle hints. So for anyone reading this who actually knows me (there might be one or two of you out there…), here are a list of some things that I would be very pleased to receive.
The Elements of Typographic Style – Bringhurst
Any Michael Lewis books other than Moneyball, Liar’s Poker, The New New Thing and Blind Side.
A Canon EF lens. I slightly buggered my 18-55mm, and so I now have no AF lenses. Even a 50mm would be amazing.
A Blue and White striped waistcoat from Ede and Ravenscroft. So pimp.
An iPad. Unrealistic, but awesome.
More wonderful things will undoubtedly be added here as time progresses, but for now that’s all I can think of.
Peace out y’all…
Update: (I thought of more things…)
Espresso machine… (a real one ideally – I have to survive with a Moka Express currently), a Presso would be interesting, a La Pavoni or Gaggia lever driven one would be incredible. I just need an outlet for my free Starbucks beans…
Infinite Jest by DFW. Long, probably odd, but I want to give it a try. Try amazon for it.
New Nike Hightops. Preferably bright (garish) colours. Some of the Nike 6.0 ones are nice. (http://www.footasylum.com/NIKE-6.0-Zoom-Oncore-High-Trainer-P021398/). In size UK8/8.5/9.
Subscription to The New Yorker. Best. Journalism. Ever.