Hello again!

Well I’ve been noticing nowadays, especially with the rise of the internet and most importantly RSS feeds that the importance, or at least the ultimate usefulness of magazine has somewhat declined. For example, take you average few Mac magazines, they generally just tell you about a few new Apple products released last month, have a …

General Stuffs…

Some interesting things that I have found… The Make magazine (or Makezine) blog page http://www.makezine.com/blog/ worth looking at as it has lots of crazy and cool things to spend your time attempting… Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories – http://www.evilmadscientist.com a nice site with more crazy things to spend your time doing… And finally, for today… I …

Basically I Just Thought That I Should Add Something…

Seeing that I’ve done very little for the past week and a bit, I thought I should try and make a slight habit over the next few days of trying to add something daily, as if I don’t, it is going to become a very boring place, an we all don’t want that! Anyway, I’m …