Finally it seems that the exams may be over for a while!!! This damn good news as I really don’t have to do anything now, which is pretty good. I may even try to add something nice to the website, or possibly get that great livesearch functionality working that I have tried so long to …
Author archives: Moses Hoyt
still have many exams on… how crap is that, but as of tis weekend, they will pretty much be over and I will have had 10 and a half hours of exams in 4 days which is only slightly harsh… Anyway will post nice things later!
I got it all planned out…
Well i have many gigs/concerts arranged for this summer, so it’ll be pretty great… Firstly I saw Eric Clapton at the SECC which was immense. At the end of next month I’m seeing the Eagles at Hamden Park. That’s should hopefully be great, but I’ll have to wait and see… Right after school’s broken up …
Using the sudden motion sensor in many different ways…
Well i’ve heard of playing games using the sudden motion sensor on the MacBooks and most recent Powerbooks, but changing the desktop is a new thing. Have a good look at this… And if you want the website of where it was created, its right here – Medallia Blog: SmackBook Pro Archives
IT Demonstrations
Generally when you try to show off your new IT product, its best if it works… Not exactly what happened to Intel’s voice controlled remote, and anyway, who the hell needs a voice controlled remote, can they be that lazy? Check it out here
Loads of exams have passed (well more like 5 to be honest), but some of the worst ones are over at least. I also have a 10/11 day break to revise, which will be useful, but hopefully I will get more done than just revision… It also strikes me how boring and monotonous exam papers …
Changed some general stuff on the website like the location of various files and such alike… I also created a proper template that i can use to post pages, you see I screwed up making the last one… 🙁 and I really should fix it. I’m also trying out some cool things with CSS trying …