Excuse the deathly silence!

Ah well… It HAS been very quiet here for the past while. And I mean like totally really way too quiet. And currently I really think that that’s pretty silly, and something (however temporary) had to be done about it, so I’m now adding something in the hope that I might remember to add a bit more in the future. Possibly more interesting, more useful or academic things. But they’ll come a bit later hopefully. For now, muse upon this..

Working again!

Well after maybe 2 months of downtime due to me getting muddled with the deletion of my MySQL database (nerdy stuff, don’t worry about what it means! Haha!). I thought it would be a good idea to restore a backup from February and then update the pages from Google’s cache (which thankfully worked! Yay!).

Anyway, just an update, I’ll post more about my exciting times in due course!

Matchbox 20 – Glasgow SECC – May 4th 2008

Though I’ve still to post some reviews regarding earlier gigs that I attended including the Mars Volta and PUSA, I thought that I’d quickly try and post a Matchbox 20 review while it was still fairly fresh in my mind. Matchbox 20 have been around for quite a few years now, originally starting as Tabitha’s …