How to F*!k up a Presentation

I do apoligise for the language contained in this post as it may not be terrible tasteful…

Tutorial: How To Completely Fuck Up A Presentation…

    Use Powerpoint…
    Use Powerpoint…
    Use Powerpoint…
    Use one of the themes in Powerpoint
    Use a background supplied with Powerpoint
    Use a colour scheme recommended by Powerpoint
    Use anything remotely to do with Powerpoint

And did i mention that this also applies to the equivalent of Powerpoint, not that I can remember its name, but although I think the folks at are doing a good job of providing open source alternatives to Microsoft applications (or should I call them programs) in a Microsoft dominated environment, they should really think outside the box just a wee bit more and not just copy one of the worst designed programs out there, with probably the most tortured user interface around making it seemlessly impossible to create anything original using the program.

May I recommend and bring your attention to a very brilliant program, which is miles better and way easier to use than Powerpoint, Keynote. Just give it a go, it even imports and exports to .ppt files for the really desparate…

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