
I really haven’t really posted anything for a while, I regret to say. But things haven’t really been happening too much in Mo’s world.

I had an awesome Poker night at my house with some friends which was very good fun!

I’ve had lots of band practices for this awesome gig at a BOTB that we’re going to play in. We worked out a 15 minute setlist of 1) Hysteria, 2) (I’ve Got To Get Out Of) This Place/Track 4, 3) Down On Me

We played this gig/BOTB, and although we were actually the best band there… (none of that emo/screamo nonsense, nor did we play Razorlight?!?!?!?!) we didn’t actually win. That was probably due to teh amount of people ther supporting us. Yes, some people love us, as we should be loved, but alas we did not bring a coach full of supporters!

My iPod’s hard disk passed away, so now I’m looking for a replacement Hard Disk for it. Have come up with a nice list of players to steal it from though! – Apple iPod 20gb (3rd/4th G), iRiver H120/iHp-120, Samsung YH-920. These all work as they have the same hard disk as the iPod in them. So, by my reasoning if I was to purchase one off of eBay then I could take it apart and steal the hard disk for my precious and precocious little iPod!

Apart form that chat, not too much has been happening. But none-the-less its all good fun!

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