Well its almost a year!

Having been doing ‘many a thing’ to my website recently and also lots of reminders to renew my domain name subscription, I noticed, mainly by looking at the archives column on the right that this site has been around for nearly a year now, which is fairly impressive seeing as my other hypertext creations have not lasted nearly so long…

But, as you may have noticed, I have changed a few things about the place. The main or ‘entry’ page as you call it has been finalised, well at least for a while. But anyway, it changes colour fairly spontaneously and is cool so ther you go… I also added a “Digg This” button to each post, and new ones too, so people can ‘Digg’ my posts if they wish! In the future I may even consider adding a del.icio.us or similar sites… But for now, Digg.com is cool enough.

Maybe just to show your support, you could ‘Digg This’ post! That would really make my day!

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